I Was Interviewed For My First Podcast! + Other Updates
I'm in a podcast!
I was interviewed for my first podcast!!! It was such a fun experience and I'm thrilled with how it came out. In it, I talk about some of the ideas from my recent "How to Keep Writing When No One Gives a Shit" blog post, and cram in LOTS of writing advice! Please check it out!
You can listen via the link below, and it's also available for download on iTunes. The podcast is called Unreliable Narrators, and it's episode 10.0 — Against the Publishing Void.
In other news, I've had a lifelong dream of being on a panel (well, at least since I was 30). I sort of felt like once I was on one—or got a verified Twitter account—I would have really made it. And I thought that one day, someone would just ask me to be on panel. But that day never came.
So when, a few months ago, I got an email from an honor society I was in in college, asking for volunteers to be on a career panel for college students and young alums, it occurred to me that I didn't have to keep waiting to be asked. I could also just volunteer.
The Alpha Sigma Nu Honor Society Career Night panel took place last month and was hosted at Fordham University. Dream: accomplished. (And it was all I hoped it would be!)
And lastly, I have a few new articles on Prevention.com!
- In my latest piece, "7 Ways You're Making Your Immune System Weaker," I wrote about surprising things that could be messing with your immune system, and what you can do about it. I learned that one of them is loneliness, reinforcing just how important human connection is!
- In my "as told to" piece, "I Developed Anorexia As An Adult," I wrote about a woman who developed an eating disorder in adulthood, and how she recovered.